Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Never trust a women's fashion to a man, especially an old man!" -fumed fashion fan what the hell is going on in fashion world? crazy old men and bunch of gay dudes leading the industry? with their boring and weird fantasies? weirder it gets, more attention you get,and you have always something to say in defense " it's either you get it or you don't" which of course no one gets in the end. It's just like a magic trick, creating an illusion to human eyes, and further planting that image to the brain, up to the point that weirdness goes away and rather start to look really cool and at its later stage it becomes normal. One thing they should keep in mind always is " there has to be some tiny little attachment to the reality" people need to wear clothes for so many reasons: 1)protection of body from outside world -cold hot wind snow rain blizzard etc 2) decoration of body, to look good 3) to convey a message about themselves whether it be a social rank or whatever... culture plays important role in what to wear and what not to wear. pop culture pretty much allows you to wear whatever you want. Lady gaga wearing pyjama to MTV award then later it's a trend.. If you're young and female, it's in your blood to have fun with clothing if you're guy it's most probable they make effort to look good in order to secure his social status someone needs to bring fashion down to earth.stop this madness or disease of "fashion people"