Thursday, November 18, 2010

dream series #1

There are now two realities associated with that certain image. Zevhii tsagaanaar nuuree budsan (kabuki maygiin)Ar nuruugaa garsan kimono omsson yopon huuhen, harin hajuud ni baih ter yalimgui sahaltai amerik er. Ter er busgui luu shirteh bogood gagtshuu "ah mini bn ,chinii dotor ah mini bn" gej duuldahtai uguitei busguid shivgeneh ajee. Busgui ichinguiren hartsaa dooshluulna tegsnee buh yum genetiin duut jujig musical bolj huvirana.Ted 2uul duulj garna tegeed etsest ni unseltseh bogod busgui ichinguiren dotogshoo oroy gadaa bolohgui geed nudarch bga haragdana.Yagad ch yum ter zaluu yag busguig harah mochid ahiigaa ugui bolchihsoniig(nas barsaniig)yaj ch yum medrene.madame butterfly content? Of course there is.There also was a blood, can’t really remember from where it came from, probably a segment from next dream.He was begging me to do the one last favor, phew, I was just disgusted by the idea, since I knew everything.The ugly was exposed there though.
Dreamt on 9/24-9/25

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