Monday, September 19, 2011

my blueberry nights( movie review)

This is another Wong Kar Wai moody-love movie, but somewhat with an american style happy ending thrown in the end.Maybe that's because it was produced in america.I would give 7/10 in the genre of romance! This is good but not as good as the ones before. You can clearly see and distinguish the signature Kar Wai methodologies such as flashing the light from side angle and going from right to left or vice versa while the character turning his head or body in the opposite direction. Visuals are great in the movie as usual, that blueberry pie/cake/whatever melting and fusing together with milk and some yummy colorful know it just looks so damn delicious it literally makes your mouth water. It wouldn't be too much to say that this movie is pretty much trademarked by that scene in my mind. Performance of the actors were great! I used to not like Rachel Weisz for no apparent reason( because she's too gorgeous,,,jealousy!!haha), but after i've seen this film, i just truly admire her as a "well-established" actress in the industry. Her husband in the movie was also a good actor too,he portrayed the character of country-boy turned local cop/happily married/divorced too well. Another one of hidden gems of Natalie Portman,she is just so productive in her own age, having played in mainstream commercial success films, anonymous commercial failures,historical,..well you name it! And she did great job on all of em too! Jude Law portrayed the same kind of characted he always does, a hopelessly romantic guy! and awfully british too!
I liked the story of the film. It's almost like you knew these people,living a real life same as you are.You feel like you can relate to these people. Again,Kar Wai is a brilliant human being, he wrote both the story and the screenplay!!!
CatPower-the greatest plays softly in the background, while the blueberry pie is being fused with rich white milk in a way that is so artistic.

My own melodrama added after watching the movie( whhaaaatt!!!)
First and last part
...crossing that road was easy after all, because the right person has been waiting for you all along...
Middle part
...pain pain and more pain
Middle part
...Learn to read people, Learn not to trust people, and Learn to trust people..

(When my hair grows back, i'll love again...
We will not be the same people again):P

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